The loss

There is no greater loss than the loss of a human.
You love a person, or hate them. You are fond of them or irritated by them. All of it matters only till you are together. Once the person is gone, you miss even the stupidest things about them. And the tragedy is, they don’t seem stupid anymore. The worst thing you can do a to a person is taking them for granted. The worst mistake you can do in your life is not knowing someone’s worth. The love, hatred, joy, friendship, relationship or the bond. All of it exists only till the person does. The person’s talks turn into echoes that fill your ears, the blur sight you try to visualise turns into your tears, their habits turn into your memories, their things and belongings remind you of incidents with them and their laugh turns into something you will forever miss. It is strange how suddenly one day, the person is gone forever and all you had to tell them, all you had to do with them or all the time you had to spend with them becomes just a wish and how you feel you had done that earlier. All of it turns into regrets now
So let go off all the chaos and value each person from your heart.
Because no matter, what bad a person does, it is never enough to justify their lifetime absence.

PS: my grandparents will always hold the warmest corner of my heart.

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